These are the three men that sculpted the horse and buggy. See yesterday’s shot for a full image. This shot gives you a better perspective on how large…
This was the tallest of the Tall Ships. Unfortunately, they didn’t have their sails up but it’s still pretty impressive. “The Captain Miranda was launched in Spain in…
“The Roseway is 137 feet of tall ship crowned with clouds of tanbark sails. In 1941 the Roseway was purchased by the Boston Pilot’s Association and spent the…
This looks like a pretty good spot for a couch…at least that’s what someone must have been thinking when they dumped this couch outside the Mass Ave T…
When I walk to work I typically stop at a convenience store near the Northeastern campus. This giant rat had been across the street from the store for…
Yes, that does say Wife Carrying Championship! In the top image, that was the only moose I’ve seen in Maine since I’ve been visiting my brother’s cabin! Actually,…
While we were in Maine it was the Fall Festival Weekend at Sunday River. This man was gathering a small crowd outside the entrance to the main building. …
Our trip home from Italy was frustrating, exhausting and very time consuming to say the least. The short story: We were supposed to have left Rome at 2pm…
Our meeting place for the photo walk was in the financial district right outside this Brueggers bagel shop. While we were waiting this backhoe and two other men…
Sometimes you see the darndest things when you walk around with a camera (or without one). The MS Walk took us along the Plymouth waterfront where we came…
No, we didn’t have an earthquake in Massachusetts however there was a water main break in the financial district that sure looked as if an earthquake had hit….
"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "