Month: April 2013

Father Swan

When we first arrived at the pond, the father swan was all the way on the other side from where the mother swan was nesting. Apparently, there was…

Mother Swan

My aunt discovered a pair of swans that are waiting to become parents. Here we have the mother swan sitting on the nest. My aunt has been going…

Fenway Victory Garden

Apparently, they are called the Fenway Victory Gardens not just Fenway Gardens. If you checkout their website you can see some pretty cool shots taking from above. Gives…

Fenway Rock Garden

Yesterday started off cool and rainy and ended sunny and warm. A perfect night to meet friends in the North End for dinner. I thought I was going…

Fenway Gardens Shed

I just thought this garden was so quaint and inviting. Really wish I was able to get inside the fence and sit by the shed. Although, the past…

Fenway Gardens

Last Wednesday after work I planned on walking from the Fenway area to South Station (takes about an hour) so I could take photos of the beauty of…


What a long strange week it’s been. Monday started with a bombing and Friday culminated with the capture of the suspects. Early Friday morning (around 6am) they shut…

Shirts vs Skins

Ahh yes, along with the warmer weather comes the Shirts vs Skins team identification. I always wonder who decides which team is skins and which is shirts. Preferably,…

Boston Outdoors

Yesterday, was a beautiful day in the city. After Monday’s tragedy it seemed that everyone was outdoors enjoying the simple pleasures in life. This park is across the…


Yesterday’s commute to work was very somber. I debated on whether to call in sick/work from home so I wouldn’t have to travel into Boston but then I…

Boston Mourning

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to have the day off from work due to Patriot’s Day. I was also happy not to have to deal with the Red…

Patriot’s Day

It’s Patriot’s Day today and I have the day off. There’s a lot going on in Boston today (Boston Marathon and Red Sox game) so it’s nice not…


This pretty much says it all about the winter storms…Saquish got nailed! 


I’ve showed these stumps before on the blog (you can read see the photo here and also read the story about it). They are the remains of an…


Kind of how I feel…always tired. I need to start getting into an exercise routine. Not just because summer is coming but also to get my energy up. …


Here you can see some cottages that have had the dunes built back up. They weren’t allowed to plow the sand from low tide but could take what…

Hate To See It

I was shocked to see that the cottage could be clearly seen from the front beach (typically you could only see a little of the roof). The tide…

Dog Day Afternoon

These dogs were keeping a very close eye on me. When I first arrived they were in the front fenced area, I’m glad they moved to the back….

Holy Sheep!

It’s really hard to tell from these shots but these sheep were huge!! They were in a separate area than the other sheep so I’m assuming they would…

Burning Sheep

I don’t think they were actually burning the sheep but the fire was pretty darn close. My brother, Chris, told me that the farm on Elm Street in…

Flowers Blooming

These flowers were blooming at my aunt’s house. They are very pretty and a nice sign that Spring is actually here. While yesterday was in the high 50s/low…

Easter Basket

  Wow, it’s April 1st!! Unfortunately, I don’t have any good ideas for an April Fool’s Day joke. Too tired from the sugar fix yesterday 🙂 I hope…