What’s more impressive than the George Washington statue dressed as a Red Sox fan? Why Mrs. Mallard and all eight of her ducklings! I love that they all…
The photos of the animals this week are from the Southfield Fall Fair. I believe the dogs lived in the Southfield apartments. The llama’s, I have no idea…
Since I decorated my balcony over the Spring/Summer with flowers, I decided I would keep going and decorate for Fall. It’s been years since I’ve bought a pumpkin….
I really enjoyed watching the goats. They were constantly chewing their cud and it looked as if they were talking to me. What I should have done was taken…
Here is your Friday, Moment of Zen. This goat looked very content even with people walking around and me firing off the camera. It was a beautiful day…
Saturday was a beautiful day. So, beautiful that I grabbed the camera and headed east, towards the ocean. I ended up at Weir River Farm. I’ve taken photos…
My sister-in-law’s grandmother passed away a couple weeks ago. Yesterday they held the memorial service for her. Her name was Dorothy Gibson and she lived to be 99…
While we were at the beach in Cohasset taking the senior portraits we were lucky enough to see this beautiful moonrise. Not quite a full moon but it’s…
I don’t buy sparkling jewelry- I’m allergic to most metalsI don’t buy sequined dresses- I like comfort and shop LL BeanI don’t buy glittery shoes- again, comfortBut, a…
These scarecrow people actually looked pretty real if you didn’t know they were fake. I think it’s a fun way to decorate while also keeping animals/birds away from…
Somewhere in the Berkshires are these scarecrow people. They are pretty cool looking. I was taking the first picture when I thought I caught a glimpse of someone…
"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "