Since people didn’t seem to mind my ramblings yesterday I thought I might ramble just a little more. Mom’s comment, “I guess we should all carry cameras to…
Yesterday morning was very gray outside. The sky was completely covered with clouds. Not dramatic storm clouds or white puffy clouds against a brilliant blue sky. No, it…
Thursday I drove down to New Jersey to visit friends. I stayed until Saturday and during that time I played board games, ran around outside playing freeze tag,…
There’s something about the look of all these roots that I find very intriguing. The path we walked had lots of roots sticking up like this. I thought…
Another shot of the North River. Basically, taken from the same spot as Monday’s photo except a couple feet to the right. Isn’t that a gorgeous blue sky?!…
No, we didn’t have an earthquake in Massachusetts however there was a water main break in the financial district that sure looked as if an earthquake had hit….
"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "