The photos of the animals this week are from the Southfield Fall Fair. I believe the dogs lived in the Southfield apartments. The llama’s, I have no idea…
I really enjoyed watching the goats. They were constantly chewing their cud and it looked as if they were talking to me. What I should have done was taken…
Here is your Friday, Moment of Zen. This goat looked very content even with people walking around and me firing off the camera. It was a beautiful day…
Saturday was a beautiful day. So, beautiful that I grabbed the camera and headed east, towards the ocean. I ended up at Weir River Farm. I’ve taken photos…
Took a little mini-vacation out to the Berkshires to visit my brother and sister-in-law, at their summer cabin. This was the first resident to greet me when I…
The top image is the original photo from yesterday’s picture of Maya’s Eyes. It’s interesting how cropping it to just her eyes made them seem so much angrier…
The birds seemed to be having a Thanksgiving feast of their own on Thursday. They were going back and forth from this feeder to the trees. Maya enjoyed…
Hay, isn’t that horse sticking her tongue out at me! Pretty funny. We came across this horse and rider on our hike through Cato’s Ridge Conservation. I think…
Buddy is my sister-in-law’s mother’s dog. He is very cute but also very exciteable (he’ll literally run circles around you). However, with Trisha he seemed to stand still…
Out of all the images I took of swimmers, bikers and runners, this was my favorite image of the triathlon. This dog saw me and started walking towards…
This is Bear Bear. She belongs to the sister (and nieces/nephews) of my sister-in-law. I think they said Bear Bear was around 17 years old. She moves very,…
“Your eyes. Your lips. Why, you’re beautiful!” There was a cartoon, I’m thinking Bugs Bunny, where a character said those words but I can’t seem to find it….
Meet Bella, the newest member of the family. My cousin, Michelle, got this beautiful little puppy just a couple of weeks ago. She is a Maltese/Toy Terrier. She…
"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "