
Our meeting place for the photo walk was in the financial district right outside this Brueggers bagel shop. While we were waiting this backhoe and two other men were working on the street. Well, when you have a bunch of people waiting around with cameras what else are they going to do but take pictures of what’s right in front of them. We probably looked like the paparazzi stalking this construction crew.

This image just missed being picked as my number two entry into the contest. If there had been a tie I would have probably picked this one. At first I wasn’t sure about this shot but I keep coming back to it and I like it more and more. For this image I panned the camera with the backhoe and took the shot.


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  1. I like it too!

  2. Like the motion effect in this shot. Maybe they plan on rebuilding the financial district, not a bad idea. Like the selective color, really draws the eye into the construction vehicle. Great capture!

  3. Excellent and I love the selective color work! I would love to participate in Scott’s World Wide Photowalk one day-next year for sure!

  4. Nice work Jamie. You did an awesome job with the panning and the selective color is great on this image.

  5. This post has been selected as PixyBlog’s Daily Shot for Wed, 5 Aug 2009

  6. Susan, if you have the chance next year to participate in the Photo Walk I think you’d really like it. While I was mostly off by myself taking photos I did enjoy running into people in the group and seeing what they were capturing for images. Then at the end of the walk we all met up at a restaurant and talked about what we felt were our most interesting shots. I plan on going again next year.

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