On Location

With two studios in proposal for Massachusetts (Plymouth Rock Studios, Plymouth and SouthField Studios, South Weymouth) we really could be considered ‘Hollywood East’ in just a few years. Since the backlot for this shoot was in my living room I was granted full access to the behind the scenes production of Speed Racer II.

Today is the beginning of a new day in history…I suppose every day is a new day in history, but this one will be written in the books. At 12 noon Barack Obama will be the President of the United States. I can only say God Bless him and the work he has ahead of him. I think if anyone can turn this country around and rally us to help make a change, he has the charisma and integrity to do it.

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1 Comment

  1. That is such a cool Lego set…I just love it! Nice shot with great lighting. Really interesting news about the Boston area. If I wind up moving up that way down the road one day, I might just have steady work again!

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