Here’s another sign that Fall is in full swing. I was walking around the Muddy River and came across these acorns. Apparently, someone had a fine meal. There’s been lots of activity going on lately, with all the animals hustling to gather food for the winter. Last Friday actually felt as if winter was already here. As I was backing out the driveway I noticed the rear window had frost on it and the car temperature read 32 degrees- yikes! Thankfully, we were lucky enough to have weather in the mid 60s over the weekend.

Nice close up shot Jamie! The DOF is good. Yes, the window frost is on my car too. Signs of winter.. unfortunately.
I love this shot. The textures are so gorgeous. When I see a photo like this, I am reminded of why some day I should get a DSLR camera…
Shirley- I was enjoying your photo booth photos the past couple of days. For this shot I had borrowed a macro lens. I enjoy using the macro. It makes me have to look at things differently. Since it’s a 60mm macro I tend to get really close to objects. A little more challenging at times.
I agree with Shirley…amazing textures-so detailed. And somewhere there is one happy squirrel!