La, La-La-La, La. You sort of have to sing the title for it to have its full effect. Last Sunday we went out to Saquish for the day. While Saquish is known for the Gurnet Light, the private beach, the creek and the spectacular sunsets, my aunt's cottage is also known for being a place where there will be wonderful, bountiful food. The above piece of art, nicely arranged by Donna, was just one of the many dishes on the table. There were cohogs, pasta salad, bread with goat cheese, hamburgers, hot dogs, coleslaw and more! However, the best thing at the table was that it was surrounded by family. Who could ask for anything more…oh, that could have been a good title. And yes, you have to sing it!

Aunt Jud
Hey….I was wondering how to impress my company that I’m having out to the beach Thursday….I think you gave me an idea!!!Thanks Jamie ps…that has to be a Donna thing…
If I could only use one word to describe this shot it would be “YUMMY”! Everything from the subject to the background view!