Yesterday’s photo really wasn’t one of my favorites. I think it was one that felt more Cape(ish) to me. This photo I keep going back to. The lines, shapes, and colors I find intriguing. I had another shot of this sun dial where you could see the top of it and some grass below. I kept thinking I’d use that one but I think the green of the grass was too distracting. I’ll probably post that photo next week.

Indeed, this is quite striking.
Do you ever play around with B+W? When I have a shot I like, but an aspect of color poses a distraction, I take a look at it in B+W…
Or, I “fade” it…a lot.
You must have been looking over my shoulder when I was processing the images. I did try black and white. I think it definitely would help on the other image of this sun dial. I tried this one in black and white but I felt it blended too much into the background. I probably could have played with the levels and tried to give it more contrast but I just came back to the original color image.