Via Appia Antica (The Appian Way)

I had never heard of the Appian Way and was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful it was to walk it. Not only were there bikers on the road but we even saw a few people on horses. You could rent either one for the day. The road was hard enough on my feet I’m not sure I could handle the bumps on a bike. We walked a bit up the Appian (away from where the catacombs are) then turned around and had lunch a small outdoor restaurant.

When I Googled “Appian Way” it brought up the site for A View On Cities. I thought it was pretty ironic that the shot they have on their website is almostidentical to the shot I took above. I think the only difference is that their shot is taken from the opposite direction.

“The Via Appia, originally built in 312 BC, was the brainchild of Appius Claudius Caecus, the then-censor of Rome, who was known for organizing bold public works that helped make life easier for the people of Rome.

Appius Claudius’ most famous project was – by far – this road, which would eventually run all the way from Rome to the port city of Brindisi. The road would travel straight through the Appian Hills and the Pontine Marshes, barely making a turn along its path until it reached the town of Terracina.

The road began as a level dirt surface upon which mortar and small stones were laid. On top of that, gravel was placed, topped with interlocking stones that would provide a flat surface for those traveling along the 560 km long road. Historians say the stones fit together so well that it was nearly impossible to stick a knife between them. Ditches were dug on either side of the road and were protected by retaining walls.”

Reference: A View on Cities

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  1. Shirley

    Gorgeous! And not like the Appian Way that I know 😉

  2. I’m not sure I’ve ever been on the Appian Way in Cambridge, but I sure do like the one in Italy!

  3. Fantastic! Love the POV here. I would love to bike this!

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