You can’t have your cake and eat it too

Notice my focal point is on the chocolate piece of the cake- yummy! This was suppose to be my piece of cake from the wedding reception. I say ‘suppose to be’ because I did not end up eating it. I need to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving in order to get my $100 incentive fee back (a contest my mom started). Boy was it tempting to have just a taste but I knew it wouldn’t stop there. So, I took a photo instead…zero calories and guilt.

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  1. I really like this shot, the shallow depth of field is really nice – and is interesting because you put it on your favorite part of the cake instead of the typical very front of your subject. I also like how the glass frames the photo. And despite the colorful background, you eye is still drawn to the main subject of the photo. Well done.

  2. Ben, thank you for your comments. I’m not sure if I was consciously aware that I was focusing on the chocolate part or if it was my subconscious really wanting to take a bit out of the chocolate.
    I also noticed that there was a lot going on in the background with all the colors- after taking the photo. It’s nice to know you feel it isn’t too distracting. Although, I need to remember to be more aware of what’s going on in the background.

  3. JAmie,
    This is awesome! All I can say is YUM! I want it. That is what the food network needs shots like this.
    Thanks for sharing.

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