How cute are these little guys?! I mentioned in yesterday's post that after being perfectly still and calm, I was able to get fairly close to the goslings without the mother and father hissing and chasing me away. I couldn't get enough of watching these babies. I would have taken twice as many pictures of them if my battery hadn't run out (and once again my backup battery was dead- I really need to remember to recharge them or buy more spare batteries). But then maybe it was a good thing they ran out. I was able to enjoy watching the babies and absorbing how beautiful and precious they are. Instead of getting caught up in taking the perfect shot.

Coz it IS the perfect shot anyway!
They are SO precious! Absolutely adorable. It is a great shot. Enjoy the weekend!
Debbie Hartmann
So Stinkin’ Cute!!!!!
Golly, I can’t take how cute this!!
They are totally cute.
But, I also really like the contrasting textures of their feathers vs. the surface of the ground and the yellows vs. the grey-browns of their fuzz.