Our first full day in Rome consisted of going to the Forum, the Colosseum and the Pantheon. As well as churches we passed along the way and a couple of piazzas. The forum grounds were much larger than I had expected. It was very crowded so a shot from high up was much easier to capture than the ones down below when I had to manuever my way around people. My biggest challenge was when I would stop to take a picture. I’d turn back around and then have to search to try to find where Chris and Karen had gone.
“Until 509 BC, when Rome became a republic, the city was reigned by an Etruscan dynasty of Tarquin Kings. They built a sewer, the ‘Cloaca Maxima’, to drain water from the marshlands of the valley between the Palatine, Capitol and Esquiline hills to the Tiber river. Ever since, the area was the center of activityin Rome. It was the site of the first forum. Here, triumphal processions took place, elections were held and the Senate assembled.
"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "