Today is the eighth anniversary of my photo blog. If I was to think back right now over the past year I would say it was full of worry and anxiety. I worried about my brother Jack’s health and if he’d get a matching kidney (I had been ruled out). Then when he had his transplant things were very stressful for a few weeks and I was very worried about his health. Worried to the point where my anxiety got out of control and I was having panic attacks (work stress didn’t help). Jack is doing much better and there is some normalcy (as far as ‘normal’ after having a transplant) back in his/our lives…like having him over to watch the football game or going to our parents house for dinner. I’ll always be worried about the possibility of his body rejecting the ‘new’ kidney but I’m working on dealing with the anxiety of everyday life. I’m actually just about finished completing an 8-week course on Mindful Based Stress Reduction. If only I didn’t get stressed about finding the time to meditate :-).
When I just looked back over the blog photos, from the past year, I realize it wasn’t entirely all stress and anxiety. There was time spent with family in the Berkshires and visiting a new location to me (The Mount). Time spent with distant cousins during the 4th of July as well as a wonderful graduation celebration for another cousin.
My baking skills came in handy and I won not just one but two awards during the office bake-off. I survived the winter of 2015…barely. Maya and I stayed with my parents a couple times during the various storms. I even decided if you can’t beat Mother Nature you might as well join her and built a snowman. Maya has enjoyed her Christmas gift of a bird feeder (or maybe it was a gift for me through the cold and the warm.
I even managed to appreciate the beauty around me. Whether it was visiting a park, staying up for an eclipse, or watching the sunset. All reminders that even when things seem at there worst, there is still a lot to be grateful for, if you just look around. I will forever be thankful to Darlene, Jack’s donor, for the selfless gift she gave and the pain she endured. I’m also grateful to all of you for your support, prayers, and well wishes. It’s been very humbling to know that so many care about me and my family. Hopefully, you perceive my photo blog as a way for me to show my appreciation.
Today’s photo was taken in Beacon Hill. Lots of cool Halloween decorations. If anyone is interested in looking at the recaps from previous years you can click the links below.
Year One; Year Two; Year Three; Year Four; Year Five; Year Six; Year Seven
Thank you for another great year through your camera, Jamie. We all have a lot to be thankful for now that Jack and Darlene are both doing well. And the snow finally did melt.
Looking forward to year nine.
Love you, Mom! Yes, it’s good to remember that the snow does eventually melt :-).
A wonderful piece to commemorate eight years and particularly this last year full of upheaval. Love and hugs and much appreciation for the lens of not only your camera, but that of your soul.
Thank you, Shirley. Love you!
Congrats on another year of photo blogging. I certainly enjoy viewing your pcitures during the week.
And, don’t worry about me – I feel great and even started lifting again last week. So far so good.
Love ya
Thanks, Jack. I know you’re doing great…I’m just a worrier. I love you! Best big brother a sister to ever want.
Thanks for another year, Jamie. I don’t often comment, but I do enjoy seeing our world through your eye as well as reading your comments on the daily topic.