These shots represent some of the accessories the Civil War soldiers would have carried. The speaker talked about how the men would see only about 10-12 days of battle during a year and the other 350+ days they had to keep themselves entertained.
The bottom photo, showing a close up of the cards, dice, and checkers, reminds me of what I think is the best movie opening credits of all time, To Kill A Mockingbird (sorry Star Wars). This is one of my favorite books and movie. I feel it is the best adaption of a book into a movie. I was not assigned to read this book in high school so it was just after high school that I picked it up (then I watched the movie). I found the opening credit sequence to be mesmerizing. The slow pan across the items in the box, the music, the humming of the little girl, all perfect and sets up the feel/mood of this movie.
"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "