
This is Winnie. She is a ten week old lab and is just adorable! If you look at her tag in the first image you can see that it says “leader dog.” My cousin’s daughter, Jordan, is training Winnie to be a leader dog for the blind. I think this is wonderful but even more so because Jordan is only 12 years old and she was determined to become a leader dog trainer. She called the company, filled out the paperwork and interviewed with them. I’m very impressed with her tenacity.

The hardest part of the training is that you really can’t treat them as a puppy/house pet. There are lots of strict rules to be followed in order to train a dog to be discplined for this type of work. She does get some puppy play time but a lot of her time is being spent learning discipline so that she will be focused and help her owner. I think with Jordan training her, Winnie will make a great leader dog.

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  1. Your cousin is amazing! What an adorable puppy! We’re not home enough to train a dog, but one day when I’m retired, I’m going to open our home to retired service dogs. And since the dogs won’t be working anymore, we’ll be able to spoil them plenty to make up for their years of hard work.

  2. Ridiculously cute! Good for Jordan! It’ll be really hard to give Winnie up when she’s fully trained…
    Happy Friday!

  3. Sandy, taking in retired service dogs sounds wonderful. And Melissa, yes, it will be very hard to give Winnie up but worth it to help someone in need.

  4. I forgot to add I don’t think I’d be able to train a puppy and then give it up. I would be way to attached!

  5. Oh my gosh…she is just precious! Wonderful photos!

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