Red Rita

I really liked the look of this flower, that I’ve now named Red Rita. I came across it on one of our morning walks in Florida. It’s warmed up here in the north east but I still wish I was back in Florida! I guess it’s going to go back down into the 30s after being in the 50s today but that’s fine. It’s nice to just have a couple days of warmer weather.

Of course I like being in Florida because I’m on vacation but it’s also a different pace. Each day we would get up and decide what we wanted to do for the day. Usually, a nice walk in the morning, then maybe reading a book and deciding what to do for lunch. Lunch could be a picnic in the park or eating outdoors at a restaurant. Then back to the condo to continue reading or taking a nap or going out to take some pictures. Dinner was always a delicious meal and then some Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. After sitting in a car for 3 (this year 4) days I like that we take only short trips in the car and do a lot of walking and relaxing.

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  1. We can hardly keep up with this fast paced life here!

  2. I never liked the fast paced life 🙂

  3. Definitely an interesting and unique flower, beautiful colors. Lovely details with this great shot.

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