Savannah Sunset

Arrived home from Florida yesterday. We had beautiful weather the whole time I was there, which really made it hard to come back home to below freezing temperatures. 

On the way down we stopped in Savannah to spend one night. My parents had stayed in Savannah for a month a few years ago and I stayed a week with them. It must have been before this blog as I couldn’t find any photos of Savannah in my archives. I really enjoyed Savannah and hope to stay for a week again someday (preferably in April). It’s a such a wonderful city to walk around. There is a park at every block and wonderful architecture. This photo was taken down on East River Street. 

If you’d like to see some great photos of life in Savannah check out Susan Dennis’ blog.


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  1. Welcome back Jamie. Looks like you brought plenty of sunshine home with you but left the heat in Florida. Anyway, glad you had a good time – and good weather.
    When I 1st looked at the photo I thought it was the Leonard-Zakim bridge and was wondering what/where the structures in the background were.
    I’m also looking forward to going back to Savannah in the Spring time – should be beautiful.

  2. Thanks, Jack. Actually, I heard it was a bit cooler in Florida since I left…only in the low 70s.
    I said the same thing to Mom about this bridge looking like the Zakim bridge (which I want to get a shot of someday).

  3. This post has been selected as PixyBlog’s Daily Shot for Wed, 9 Feb 2011

  4. Hey Jamie! Beautiful shot of the Talmadge Bridge! Next time you’re in town and have a little time, give a shout and maybe we can meet up and do some shooting together! Thanks for link! 🙂

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