Spring Sunrise

The first day of Spring 2010 was a glorious day here in New England. It was in the 70s on Saturday! I woke that morning at about 6:20am and decided I would get up and try to catch the sunrise. I planned on driving to the Hingham harbor but as I approached Hingham I could see that the sun was rising more to the right.  So, I just kept driving towards it and ended up in Cohasset. As one of the fishermen said to me, “you missed the sunrise by about 15 minutes.” But that was okay because it still looked beautiful just above the horizon. A beautiful way to welcome in Spring.

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  1. shirley


  2. Beautiful

  3. Just beautiful…your effort paid off well! Looks like you’re getting some early southern weather up north!


  5. Submit this to something! There are lots of competitions around.

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