Whatzhisface We Love You

At the RiverSide Park there was this beautiful dock you could walk out on. As we were walking we noticed that there were plaques running along the floor of the left side. Most of them were your typical “In memory of…”, “We love you Grandpa”, etc. My dad started laughing and pointed out the one above. I love the humor of it. I think we all have a Whatzhisface in our lives that we love!

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  1. Nice shot of the dock and that plaque is hilarious!

  2. Very funny. I’m glad you posted it so the rest of us could enjoy it.

  3. LOL! That’s great!

  4. Sis Karen

    When Chris and I visited Mom and Dad, we also took a walk on that beautiful dock (and saw the plaque). We were also fortunate enough to see a bunch of dolphins swimming out in the water off of the dock! It was a highlight for me, since I LOVE dolphins. Maybe they came just to say HI to me???!! 🙂

  5. LOL…great catch!

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