A Closer Look

In the first image we have a father and son (I’m just guessing their relationship) watching the waves crashing against the sea wall. Apparently, they decided it would be good to get a closer look. The whole time I was watching them I was wondering what was this father thinking?! It seemed a bit risky to me to walk out on this stairway. Back about a month or so ago a little girl in Maine’s Arcadia Park had been swept out to sea by a rogue wave. While that wave was from a hurricane and these waves weren’t as big I was still nervous for the child (not as much for the adult). Of course it could also have to do with the fact that I’m not a strong swimmer and I didn’t want to have to try and save anyone. Plus, it was really cold out and the water was freezing. Now that I think about it, it was really more about my comfort and not so much the child’s safety. 😉

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  1. Very dramatic and beautiful…amazing clouds and I really like the post processing-it suits these images well. I think my favorite is the first one with the father and son-nice catch!

  2. In California, we have “Sneaker waves” – Literally, they sneak up and swoop people out to sea! Pretty scary. Beautiful pics, Jamie!

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