
Okay, it's not the Aflac duck, it's a swan. But the way she was looking right at me reminded me of the Aflac duck. I went to a friend's wedding last weekend. The reception was outside at The Crane Brook Restaurant in Carver. There were three swans in the pond with this one coming out of the water and walking very close to the reception area.

The first shot is a bit out of focus but I loved that she looked right at me. While the second shot is in focus I wish the gazebo wasn't right behind her. I tried to move around to get a different angle but the more I moved the more the nervous the swan became and started heading back to the water. So, I stopped moving and took what I could get.

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1 Comment

  1. Here’s looking at you. Excellent composition, the details and clarity of this swan are amazing. Nice job!

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