I see the full moon rising

Well, we lucked out and happened to pick the best weekend of the summer to go out to the Berkshires. Not only did we have beautiful blue skies and two rainbows but we also had a full moon.

I really like the reflection in the water. I even thought of cropping the image so you only saw the reflection. However, I changed my mind because I love how perfectly round the moon is in the shot.

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  1. Great shot Jamie. I love how there’s just enough light to see the outline of the boats.
    One thing I’d like to do sometime is go kayaking at night with a full moon. This looks like it would have been a good night.

  2. Kayaking at night would be pretty cool. I think I’d need to have a powerful flashlight on me (for when I hear those spooky sounds).

  3. Holy cow, that is beautiful. So beautiful. I love this. The color of the blue is gorgeous and the contrasting bright light of the moon and its reflection is stunning.

  4. This is a very surreal picture. I like the way the reflection on the water catches the eye.

  5. Such a beautiful photo. The moon is perfect and the reflection is gorgeous.

  6. Beautiful, Jamie… I love the dark blue in the sky and water!

  7. Sis Karen

    It IS beautiful and makes me long for my summer home. Growing up, if I went walking at night, I’d be sooo grateful for that kind of moonlight. It’s much darker there at night in the rural countryside. Thanks for sparking that memory!

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