Sandcastle at Sunset

While most of the 4th of July was a gray day it did clear up at night just in time for the fireworks. Before the fireworks began we were presented with a spectacular sunset of majestic pink and purple.

Any day at Saquish is better than no day at Saquish. Even though it rained a bit that morning and was mostly gray and windy it still didn't stop someone from enjoying the beach and building a sandcastle.

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  1. Melissa

    A day at Saquish is better than a day anyWHERE! I’m coming for a visit in August, but unfortunately heard I can’t go to Saquish – already booked! Drats.

  2. Glad to hear you’re coming home in August but sorry to hear Saquish is booked. If there’s any available time in your schedule let me know I’d love to drive down to say ‘hi’. Unless it happens to be when we are off whitewater rafting.

  3. Shirley

    Wow, what a beautiful photo. I love it.

  4. That sky is just amazing! Nice shot!

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