This dog was really enjoying just laying in the water. Good way to cool down on a hot Summer day.

"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "
This dog was really enjoying just laying in the water. Good way to cool down on a hot Summer day.
I LOVE it! The happy smile says it all, doesn’t it?
Sandy, this dog was so content. A man walked over and sat in a chair next to him. The man asked if I wanted to take a photo and he then got up and moved his chair out of the way. The dog never moved the entire time…just kept smiling .