I find taking photos of people to be very difficult and of course kids are the hardest because they never stop moving. However, I’ve discovered that children who…
After taking shots from the Longfellow Bridge I walked along the Cambridge side of the Charles River and stopped to take a photo of the Harvard Bridge. If…
Here we have Christian after just coming in from kayaking. For some reason this image looks to me like a kids Sports Illustrated cover. Not that this shot…
In the top photo we have my other cousin Kevin’s youngest son, Michael, showing his kayaking skills. Michael really is a very good kayaker. I find it much…
Meet the newest member of my cousin Kevin B.’s family…Cody. Kevin says that “Cody’s a Cavachon. It’s a cross between a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and a Bichon….
Another pond that we came across on our bike ride through Wompatuck State Park. This photo is a blend between the original photo and the same image with…
A spectacular/breathtaking view from the top of the lighthouse. I love this view! Thankfully, the windows were clean enough to shoot through and get a clear image. It’s…
"Thank you. Mayflower House has a beautiful flower garden. "
"I just love your flowers! "
"Yes, it was at Nelson Park. An event they have once a year ..."
"So pretty. I love how the American flag is highlighted by the snow. "
"She is so sweet. It makes you think twice about eating hot dogs! "