Up Against the Wall

On my last night in New Jersey, Shirley and I went out to eat at a Thai restaurant (she knows what I like). We had to walk down this short alley that had this wall mural. I had to stop, back up and take a photo. This is the side wall to a bike shop. I love this type of art work.

Dinner with Shirley was really nice. I always love sitting down one-on-one with her and just chatting about whatever. I wish we could do it more often. But then, it’s quality over quantity.

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  1. Nice shot Jamie. Very cool mural.
    See you tomorrow!

  2. Shirley

    One of the things I loved about our visit was going out that night. I saw this mural for the first time and enjoyed our dinner and quiet time 🙂 This shot is great!

  3. I like this kind of work as well! Usually I only see it driving past it in my car and don’t stop to go back and take a picture. I need to make more of an effort to stop and capture the image.

  4. I agree…very cool and I like the angle of this shot as well. Sounds like you had a really nice time.

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